Empirische Bildungsforschung

Pilot study: From disruptions to disruptors - deviant careers of students as processes of interaction

The pilot study examines the rule-breaking behaviour by primary school pupils can develop into a deviant pupil career. It is based on an interactionist approach that assumes that both students and teachers interpret rules and the behaviour required by the rules within situations. Based on a theoretical multi-level model, we consider the interaction processes: The sequence of events (including turning points and stagnations) and their interpretation, 2) the participants and their perspectives (pupils, teachers) and 3) the contextualisation of the events (composition of the student body, socio-cultural characteristics of the pupils). This is achieved empirically through longitudinal classroom observations with regard to student behaviour that could potentially be assessed as deviant and teacher reactions, and interviews with teachers and students. Until now, we sample consists of 11 classrooms, where we observed 10.535 behavioural events in 6 waves during the first two years of primary school.


Social mobility and integration: A challenge for the institutions of second chance education [Aufstieg als Integration: Eine Herausforderung für die Institutionen des Zweiten Bildungswegs ] (Schuchart / Bühler-Niederberger, BMBF 100323589, 2018-2022)

The project examines the extent to which second-chance institutions adapt their requirements, expectations, attitudes, discourses and teaching practices - in short: their "school culture" – to their changing student body. To this end, the following questions are addressed: (1) What individual attitudes and expectations of success do students have when attending these institutions? (2) To what extent do these individual attitudes define a “student culture”? (3) What fit is achieved between (individual) student attitudes, (collective) student culture and (institutional) school culture? The following publications emerged from this project:

  1. Schuchart, Claudia/Bühler-Niederberger, Doris/Schimke, Benjamin (2024): Teacher practice under the structural challenges of academic second chance education. Studies in Continuing Education, 1–23. doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2024.2310294
  2. Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schuchart, C. (2022): Academic second-chance education: Correction or consolidation of early selection? Studia Pedagogica, 22 (4)[C1] .
  3. Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schuchart, C. (2022): „Steckt Erwachsene in die Schule und sie werden wieder Kinder“ – Alter als Hindernis im zweiten Bildungsweg. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 42 (3), 255-273.
  4. Bühler-Niederberger, D.; Schuchart, C.; Türkyilmaz, A. (2022): Doing adulthood while returning to school. When emerging adults struggle with institutional frameworks. Emerging Adulthood. doi.org/10.1177/21676968211069214
  5. Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2021): Age and Social Background as Predictors of Dropout in Second Chance Education in Germany. Adult Education Quarterly, first published online, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F07417136211046960
  6. Schuchart, C. & Bühler-Niederberger, D. (2020): The gap between learners’ personal needs and institutional demands in second chance education in Germany, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39, 545-561. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02601370.2020.1825538
  7. Schuchart, C., Bühler-Niederberger, D., Sommer, T. & Türkyilmaz, A. (2019): Zwischen institutionellen Normen und individuellen Bedürfnissen: Schulkultur im zweiten Bildungsweg. In Fernandez, K. (Hrsg): Schulkultur.  Themenheft in Bildung und Erziehung 169(6), 549-559.


Normality and Deviation – Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning Disorders from a Sociological Perspective [Normalität und Abweichung – Diagnose und Bearbeitung von Lernstörungen aus soziologischer Perspektive ] (Bühler-Niederberger / Schuchart, ZEFFT University of Wuppertal, 2017-2018

This preliminary study focuses on the diagnosis of behavioral disorders in primary school students that affect learning behavior at school; We focus on diagnoses that are are initiated by school or made during primary school. We are interested in the social process that such diagnoses represent. We assume that such diagnoses do not represent the result of a simple and inevitable analyses of a an individual condition. Rather, relevant bodies of knowledge are interpreted and negotiated and their application is influenced by characteristics of the students, the situations and the interactions. The following publications emerged from this project:

  1. Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schuchart, C. (2022). L’ordre scolaire du point de vue des enfants. In L. Gavarini, I. D. Ottavi & I. Pirone (Eds.), Le normal et le pathologique aujourd’hui à l’école. Presses Universitaires de Vincennes.
  2. Schuchart, C., & Bühler-Niederberger, D. (2022). Störungen als interaktive Ereignisse im Mehrebenenkontext. journal für lehrerInnenbil-dung, 22(4).


Equal opportunities in secondary school: An intervention study to support the intention to study [Chancengerechtigkeit in der Sekundarstufe II: Eine Interventionsstudie zur Unterstützung der Studienabsicht ] (Schuchart, C. & Buchwald, P., BMBF, 01JC1109, 2012 – 2015. The project consisted of two parts. First, we conducted a representative study in 50 comprehensive and vocationally oriented schools (leading to the higher education entrance qualification) among teachers, students and headteachers. Our aim here was to examine individual, institutional and school system conditions of the development of the intention to study of different social and ethnic groups. Second, the conducted an intervention study among teachers and students. Our aim here was to analyse which typ of counselling (detailed written information and tasks / personal counselling) in comparison with a control group  was more effective in helping students from disadvantaged social and ethnic groups to strengthen their intention to study and to enter higher education. Please find the final report here.[C1]  The following publications emerged from the project:

  1. Schuchart, Claudia (accepted): Bildungslaufbahnbezogene Beratung durch Lehrkräfte an beruflichen Schulen. In: Rahn, Sylvia/Seifried, Jürgen/Ziegler, Birgit (Hrsg.): Beruf: Lehrer*in an berufsbildenden Schulen – eine Bestandsaufnahme der empirischen Forschung, Beiheft in der Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, ISSN 0174-0830
  2. Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2022). The development of the intention to study of pupils from different social backgrounds in non-traditional pathways to higher education. Social Psychology in Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-022-09685-8
  3. Schuchart, C. (2019). Kulturen der Studienorientierung? Einzelschulische und schulstrukturelle Determinanten der Studienabsicht in der Sekundarstufe II. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 1, 120-145.
  4. Schuchart, Claudia/Keßler, Caty/Scheidt, Bettina/Buchwald, Petra (2016): Veränderung der Studienorientierung im Verlauf der Sekundarstufe II unter Männern und Frauen und ihre individuellen und kontextuellen Gründe. In: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Spezial 12: Berufsorientierung im Lebenslauf – theoretische Standortbestimmung und empirische Analysen, S. 1–28
  5. Schuchart, Claudia (2019): Studienorientierung und Chancen(un)gleichheit im Bildungssystem – eine Verhältnisbestimmung. In: Rahn, Sylvia/Brüggemann, Tim (Hrsg.): Berufsorientierung. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Vollständige überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage. Münster: Waxmann, S. 243–255


School choice in Germany: What influence do regional and socio-economic characteristics have on the choice of primary school? [Schulwahl in Deutschland: Welchen Einfluss haben regionale und sozial-ökonomische Bedingungen auf die Wahl der Grundschule] (Schneider, K., Schuchart, C. & Weishaupt, H., DFG, 01.03.2008 - 28.02.2011)

An empirical analysis of the cities of Wuppertal and Solingen before and after the new NRW school law came into force.

Project-based learning “Local characteristics and global change” (Buehler-Niederberger, D., Imbusch, P., Schuchart, C. & Westerfeld, K.)

Financing: BMBF, "Kohärenz in der Lehrerbildung / Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“, 2015 - 2016


Upward mobility of secondary school students under the condition of a structural opening in lower secondary education (Schuchart, C.)

Financing DFG (GZ SCHU 2399/1-1) Duration 01-10.2007 to 30.09.2010