Empirische Bildungsforschung


Monstadt, F. (2024): Presentation: “Democratic values as basic values of children. An analysis of the correlation for children in primary school” and Chair of the symposium “Political Socialization of children in school” at the European Conference on Educational Research 2024, Nicosia, 24.08.2024

Monstadt, F. (2024): Democratic values as basic values of children. An analysis of the correlation for children in primary school. Presentation for the European Consortium of Political Research General Conference, Dublin, 15.08.2024.

Monstadt, F. (2024): Democratic values as basic values of children. An analysis of the correlation for children in primary school. Presentation for the European Consortium of Political Research Joint Sessions, Online, 25.03.2024.

Monstadt, F., Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2024): Der Einfluss des Bildungsverlaufs auf die Entwicklung des politischen Interesses bei Heranwachsenden in Deutschland. Präsentation für den 29. DGfE Kongress 2024 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, Halle-Wittenberg, 13.03.2024.

Monstadt, F. (2023): Internalisierung demokratischer Grundwerte bei Kindern: Eine quantitative Studie zu Erfassung und Einflussfaktoren. Präsentation im Rahmen des Wissenschaftlichen Fachtag – Politik und Demokratie (er-)leben zum Abschluss des Projekts JUROP – Jugendliche und Europa, Jena, 14.11.2023.

Monstadt, F., Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2023): The Effect of School Tracking on the Development of Political Interest among Adolescents and Young Adults in Germany. Presentation for the European Conference on Educational Research 2023, Glasgow, 24.08.2023.

Monstadt, F., Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2023): The Effect of School Tracking on the Development of Political Interest among Adolescents and Young Adults in Germany. Presentation for the European Consortium of Political Research General Conference 2023, Prague, 04.09.2023.

Monstadt, F., Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2023): The Effect of Schooling on the Development of Political Interest among Adolescents and Young Adults in Germany using NEPS Data. Presentation for the 4th Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network (24 Hours of Political Psychology), Bielefeld, 10.03.2023.

Monstadt, F., Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2022): Development of political interest among adolescents and young adults in Germany using NEPS Data. Presentation for the 7th International NEPS Conference of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi), Online, 06.12.2022.

Breiwe, R., Herzog, M., Mendera, S. & Monstadt, F. (2022): Schule in migrationsgesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen: Perspektiven für Politische und Rassismuskritische Bildung. Workshop im Rahmen der Konferenz #zukunftbilden. Politisch. Nachhaltig. Transformativ. Stiftung Bildung und Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Berlin, 30.05.2022