Empirische Bildungsforschung

Articles in journals with review process

Claudia Schuchart / Benjamin Schimke (accepted): Signalling effects of educational careers on the chances of entering dual vocational training: Results of a vignette study. Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology.

Claudia, Schuchart (accepted): Educational career-related counselling by teachers at vocational schools. In: Rahn, Sylvia/Seifried, Jürgen/Ziegler, Birgit (eds.): Beruf: Lehrer*in an berufsbildenden Schulen - eine Bestandsaufnahme der empirischen Forschung, supplement to the Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, ISSN 0174-0830

Claudia Schuchart, Doris Bühler-Niederberger & Benjamin Schimke (2024): Teacher practice under the structural challenges of academic second chance education, Studies in Continuing Education, DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2024.2310294

Schuchart, C. & Bühler-Niederberger, D. (2022): Academic Second-Chance Education: Correction or consolidation of early selection? Studia Pedagogica, 22 (4), doi.org/10.5817/SP2022-4-3

Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schuchart, C. (2022): 'Put adults in school and they become children again' - Age as an obstacle in second-chance education. Journal of Sociology of Education and Socialisation, 3, 255 - 273. 10.3262/ZSE2203255

Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2022): The development of the intention to study of pupils from different social backgrounds in non-traditional pathways to higher education. Social Psychology in Education. doi.org/10.1007/s11218-022-09685-8

Bühler-Niederberger, D.; Schuchart, C.; Türkyilmaz, A. (2022): Doing adulthood while returning to school. When emerging adults struggle with institutional frameworks. Emerging Adulthood. doi.org/10.1177/21676968211069214

Schuchart, C. & Siebel, A. (2021): Counselling of immigrant students in schools - the development of shared understanding between advisers and students. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. https://doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2021.2009767

Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2021): Age and Social Background as Predictors of Dropout in Second Chance Education in Germany. Adult Education Quarterly, first published online, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F07417136211046960

Schuchart, C., Glock, S. & Dunkake, I. (2021): The influence of in-group and out-group favouritism on the disciplinary practice of ethnic majority and minority preservice teachers. Social Psychology in Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11218-021-09627-w

Schuchart, C. & Bühler-Niederberger, D. (2020): The gap between learners' personal needs and institutional demands in second chance education in Germany, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 39, 545-561. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02601370.2020.1825538

Schuchart, C. (2020): Access to educational career-related support at school by pupils with and without a migration background. Journal for Educational Research 10, 61-80

Glock, S. & Schuchart, C. (2019): The ethnic match between students and teachers: evidence from a vignette study. Social Psychology of Education (online first), DOI: 10.1007/s11218-019-09525-2.

Schuchart, C. / Schimke, B. (2019): Is it worth catching up on a school-leaving qualification? Alternative routes to higher education entrance qualifications and their labour market returns. Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology 71, 237-273.

Schuchart, C. (2019): Cultures of study orientation? Individual school and school structural determinants of the intention to study at upper secondary level. Journal for Pedagogy, 1, 120-145.

Schuchart, C., Keßler, C., Scheidt, B. & Buchwald, P. (2016). Changes in study orientation in the course of upper secondary school among men and women and their individual and contextual reasons. Journal of Vocational and Business Education. Special 12: H. Faulstich-Wieland, S. Rahn & B. Scholand (Eds.), Berufsorientierung im Lebenslauf - theoretische Standortbestimmung und empirische Analysen, pp. 1-28. Online: http://www.bwpat.de/spezial12/schuchart_etal_bwpat_spezial12.pdf (06.06.2016).

Dunkake, I., & Schuchart, C. (2015). Stereotypes and teacher characteristics as an explanation for the class-specific disciplinary practices of pre-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 50, 56-69.

Schuchart, C., Buch, S. & Piel, S. (2015): Characteristics of mathematical tasks and social-class related achievement differences among primary school children. International Journal of Educational Research, 70 (1), 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2014.12.002

Scheidt, B., & Schuchart, C. (2014). The importance of the teacher-student relationship for graduation. Schulpädagogik heute, 9, 1-15.

Piel, S., & Schuchart, C. (2014): Social origin and success in answering mathematical word problems: The role of everyday knowledge. International Journal of Educational Research, 66, 22-34. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2014.02.003

Schuchart, C., & Dunkake, I. (2014). Class-specific stereotypes among prospective teachers. Journal of Sociology of Education and Socialisation, 34(1), 89-107.

Schuchart, C. (2013): No degree without a connection? Permeability and comparability at upper secondary level. Die Deutsche Schule, 4, 345 - 363.

Schuchart, Claudia (2012): School social capital and secondary education plans. Educational Studies, 39, 29-42.

Schuchart, Claudia (2012): Upward mobility among secondary education students: The decision to obtain a better certificate. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28, 201-221.

Schneider, K./Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H/Riedel, A. (2012): The effect of free primary school choice on ethnic groups - evidence from a policy reform. European Journal of Political Economy, 28 ,4, 430-444.

Schuchart, C. / Schneider, K. / Weishaupt, H. / Riedel, A. (2012): What influence does the residential environment have on parents' primary school choice? Analyses of the significance of contextual and familial characteristics for choice behaviour. Journal of Empirical Pedagogy, 26.4, 506-534.

Schuchart, C. (2011): What are the benefits of catching up on a school-leaving qualification? Analyses of the entry into training of pupils with subsequent higher school qualifications. Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung (1), 69-85.

Castro, R. F./Schuchart, C. (2010): Grade Retention and School Drop out in Brazil: How Effective are Policy Programmes? In Richter, C. /Tarazona, M. (Eds.), Bildungsqualität und Steuerung von Bildungsprozessen in Iberoamerika, Tertium Comparationis 16 (1), 50-75.

Riedel, A./Schneider, K./Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2010): School Choice in German Primary Schools: How Binding are School Districts? Journal for Educational Research Online, 2 (1), 94-120.

Schuchart, C. (2009). Why are Hauptschule students interested in a Realschulabschluss? An analysis of individual convictions with special attention to gender-specific differences. In: J. Baumert, U. Trautwein & K. Maaz (Eds.), Bildungsentscheidungen in differenzierten Bildungssystemen. Special issue 10 of the Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 373-397.

Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2008): Teachers in society: empirical evidence on public engagement. Empirische Pädagogik, 22 (4), pp. 516-536.

Schuchart, C. (2007): School effectiveness in third world countries. An empirical analysis using the example of Brazil. Tertium Comparationis, 13 (1), pp. 94-115.

Schuchart, C./Maaz, Kai (2007): School attendance and parental aspiration at the end of secondary level 1. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 59 (6), pp. 640 - 666.

Schuchart, C. (2007): School-leaving qualifications and training occupations. The significance of the type of school-related educational biography. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 10 (3), pp. 381 - 398.

Schuchart, C. (2006): The significance of the decoupling of school type and school leaving certificate for school career planning from the parents' perspective. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 26, pp. 403 - 419.

Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2004): The prognostic quality of transition recommendations in the Lower Saxony orientation level. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 50, H. 6, pp. 882 - 902.

Schuchart, C. (2003): The significance of the Lower Saxony orientation level for equalising disparities in educational participation. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 6, H 3, p. 403 - 420.


Schrittesser, I., Schuchart, C. & Thiel, F. (2022): Classroom Management. Issue 4 / 2022 of the journal for teacher education. Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.https://jlb-journallehrerinnenbildung.net/heft-04-2022-classroom-management/

Schuchart, C. & Liegmann, A. (2021): Segregated schools - schools with special challenges? Issue 4 2021 of the journal for teacher education. Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt. https://jlb-journallehrerinnenbildung. net/heft-04-2021-segregierte-schulen-schulen-mit-besonderen-herausforderungen/

Schrittesser, I. & Schuchart, C. (2019): Feedback. Issue 1 2019 of the journal for teacher education. Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt. jlb-journallehrerinnenbildung.net/heft-01-19-thema-feedback/

Schuchart, C. & Gräsel, C. (2017): Quality offensive teacher education. Issue 3 2017 of the journal for teacher education. Vienna: Fakultas publishing house.

Rabenstein, K. & Schuchart, C. (2017): Inclusive teacher education and diversity-sensitive higher education development. Issue 2 2017 of the Journal for Teacher Education. Vienna: Fakultas publishing house.

Böhm-Kasper, O./Schuchart, C./ Weishaupt, H. (2009): Einführung in die quantitativen Methoden erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. (Volume 2 in the WBG series "Erziehungswissenschaft kompakt"). Darmstadt: WBG

Böhm-Kasper, O./Schuchart, C./Schulzeck, U. (eds.) (2007): Contexts of education. Expanded perspectives in educational research. Münster: Waxmann.

Schuchart, C. (2006): Orientation level and educational opportunities. An evaluation study. Series "Empirical Educational Science", Volume 2. Münster: Waxmann.

Schuchart, C. (2000): Problems of the Brazilian primary school system. Two case studies on everyday school culture. Series "Erfurter Materialien und Berichte zur Entwicklung des Bildungswesens", Volume 1. Erfurt: University of Erfurt.

Essays / contributions to edited volumes

Schuchart, C. & Bühler-Niederberger, D. (2022): Disruptions as interactive events in multi-level contexts. Journal for Teacher Education 22(4), 36-59. elibrary.utb.de/doi/abs/10.35468/jlb-04-2022-02

Schuchart, C. (2020): Demographic Match: Do students with a migration background benefit from the migration background of their teachers? In: Glock, S. & Kleen, H. (Eds.). Stereotypes at school. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 337-388. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-27275-3

Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schuchart, C. (in press): L'ordre scolaire du point de vue des enfants. In Gavarini L., Ottavi, D. Pirone, I. (Eds): Le normal et le pathologique aujourd'hui à l'école. Saint-Denis: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes (PUV).

Schuchart, C. (2019): Study orientation and (in)equality of opportunity in the education system - a relationship analysis. In Rahn, S., Brüggemann, T. (eds.), Vocational orientation. A textbook and workbook. Completely revised and expanded new edition. Münster: Waxmann.

Schuchart, C., Bühler-Niederberger, D., Sommer, T. & Türkyilmaz, A. (2019): Between institutional norms and individual needs: school culture in second-chance education. In Fernandez, K. (ed.): School culture. thematic issue in Bildung und Erziehung 169(6), 549-559.

Schuchart, C. & Piel, S. (2019): Shift-sensitive feedback in teacher education. In Schrittesser, I., Schuchart, C. (Eds.): Feedback. Journal for Teacher Education, Issue 1/2019.

Schrittesser, I. & Schuchart, C. (2019): (Eds.) Feedback. Issue 1/2019 of the journal for teacher education. Heilbronn: Klinkhardt publishing house.

Schuchart, C. & Ruerup, M. (2017): Alternative educational pathways and further educational and professional careers: can inequalities be reduced by opening up the structured school system? In Eckert, T. & Gniewosz, B. (eds.), Bildungsgerechtigkeit. Festschrift for Hartmut Ditton. Wiesbaden: Springer-VS, pp. 246-267.

Schuchart, C. & Gräsel, C. (2017): Quality offensive teacher training. Issue 3 2017 of the journal for teacher education. Vienna: Fakultas publishing house.

Rabenstein, K. & Schuchart, C. (2017): Inclusive teacher education and diversity-sensitive higher education development. Issue 2 2017 of the Journal for Teacher Education. Vienna: Fakultas publishing house.

Schuchart, C., Keßler, C., Scheidt, B. & Buchwald, P. (2016). Changes in study orientation in the course of upper secondary school among men and women and their individual and contextual reasons. Journal of Vocational and Business Education. Special 12: H. Faulstich-Wieland, S. Rahn & B. Scholand (Eds.), Career orientation in the life course - theoretical assessment and empirical analyses, pp. 1-28.

Altrichter, H., Rürup, M. & Schuchart, C. (2016). School autonomy and the consequences. Altrichter, H. & Maag Merki, K. (Eds.), Handbuch Neue Steuerung im Schulwesen. 2nd edition (pp. 107-149). Wiesbaden: Springer-VS.

Piel, S., Schuchart, S. and Wendt, H. (2015): The influence of social origin and migration background on the probability of solving different types of mathematical tasks. In Wendt, H., Stubbe, T. Schwippert, K. & Bos, W. (Eds.): 10 years of international comparative school performance research in primary school. In-depth analyses of IGLU and TIMSS 2001 to 2011 ( pp. 117 - 132). Münster, New York: Waxmann.

Schuchart, Claudia (2013): Institutional opening of stratified education systems - a contribution to more equal opportunities? In Becker, Rolf (ed.) / Bühler, Patrick (ed.) / Bühler, Thomas (ed.): Inequality and justice (pp. 115-140). Bern: Haupt.

Schuchart, Claudia (2011): Philosophical foundations of quantitative research. Main article in Horn, K.-P.; Kemnitz, H.; Marotzki, W.; Sandfuchs, U. (eds.): Klinkhardt Lexikon Erziehungswissenschaft

Rürup, Matthias/Schuchart, Claudia (2010): The Empirical in Educational Science: Only Research Methodology? In: Pädagogische Rundschau, *Vol. 64, H. 6, pp. 669-684*.

Becker, R./Schuchart, C. (2010): Reducing educational inequality through equalisation of opportunities? Results of a simulation of educational policy measures. In: Becker, R./Lauterbach, W. (eds.): Bildung als Privileg. Explanations and findings on the causes of educational inequality. 4th and revised edition, pp. 413-436. Wiesbaden: VS

Schuchart, C. (2009). School Effectiveness in Primary Schools: The Role of School Climate and Composition Characteristics, In Lodêlo, J.A.C., J.A.C. & Dazzani, M.V. (Eds.): Avaliação Educacional: Desatando e Reatando Nós (297-324). Salvador: EDUFBA.

Schuchart, C. (2009): Review of Weiß, M. (2006, ed.): Evidence-based education policy: Contributions from the economics of education. Series Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens, 2, pp. 307-311.

Schuchart, C. (2009). The influence of teachers on the graduation intentions of German and Turkish pupils in Hauptschule. Bildung und Erziehung 62 (4), 479-496.

Schuchart, C. (2009). School Education and Occupational Chances: Do the Characteristics of the School System Matter? In: R. Becker & A. Hadjar (Eds.), Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion in Europe and the USA: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings in Comparative Perspective. Bern et al: Haupt-Verlag, 285-300.

Schuchart, C. (2006): Review of Schmidt, Uwe (ed.): Transitions in the education system. Motivation - Decision - Satisfaction. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 52, H.5, pp.752 - 754.

Schmidt, C./Schuchart, C. (2002): Soziale Lage und Ausbildungsbedingungen in pädagogischen Studiengängen. In: Merkens, H./Rauschenbach, T./ Weishaupt, H. (eds.): Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2, p. 45 - 73. Leske + Budrich, Opladen.

Fuchs, A./Schuchart, C. (1999): Violence perception and the concept of violence. How (un)defined is the everyday use of "violence"? Institute for Peace Work and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution. Working Paper No. 13.

Forschungsberichte / working papers

Riedel, A./Schneider, K./Schuchart,C./Weishaupt, H.: School Choice in Primary Schools: Evidence from Wuppertal.Working Paper No. 1.

Schneider, K./Schuchart, C./ Weishaupt, H./Riedel, A. (2009) Motives for Primary School Choice in Germany: Do they Differ Between Ethnic Groups? Working Paper No. 2.

Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2005): PISA Thuringia 2000: Further analyses. Erfurt: Thuringian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. (Unpublished report).

Schuchart, C. (2004): Recomendações para um futuro levantamento de dados na avaliação do desempenho dos alunos. Salvador: Secretaria Estadual de Educação (Unpublished expertise).

Weishaupt, H./Schmidt, C./Schuchart, C., with the collaboration of Schimunek, P. (2001): Results on the acceptance of the orientation level. In: Status and perspectives of the orientation level. Appendix to the report. Website of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (nibis.ni.schule.de/index.htm).


Schuchart, C. (Symposium): "Ungleiche Leistungen und Entscheidungen im Bildungsverlauf". 1st Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) in Kiel, 11 March 2013.

Schuchart, C., Buch, S., Piel, S.: Does everyday information in factual tasks distract children of lower social class affiliation from the correct solution? Presentation at the symposium "Unequal performance and decisions in the educational process" at the 1st conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Kiel, 11.03.2013.

Scheidt, B., Schuchart, C.: Die Bedeutung von Lehrkräften für die Realisierung der Bildungsaspirationen jugendlicher Hauptschüler. Presentation at the symposium "Unequal performance and decisions in the educational process: What influence does school have?" First conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) in Kiel, 11.03.2013.

Dunkake, I., Schuchart, C.: Does the class affiliation of pupils influence the stereotypes and sanctioning behaviour of prospective teachers? Presentation at the symposium "Unequal performance and decisions in the educational process: What influence does the school possess?" First conference of the Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Kiel, 11.03.2013.

Kessler, K., Schuchart, C., Buchwald, P., Schoppe, C.: "Studienwunsch und bildungsgangspezifischer Sozialisationskontext - Ergebnisse aus der Studie Chan.ge. Presentation at the symposium "Unequal achievements and decisions in the course of education: What influence does school have?" First conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) in Kiel, 11 March 2013.

Schuchart, C.: Bildung und soziale Mobilität in Deutschland. Jahrestagung des Netzwerkes für Politik und internationale Zusammenarbeit, Berlin, 02.11.2012.

Schuchart, C. (Symposium): Educational transitions in primary and secondary education in highly stratified systems - a deeper look at three European countries. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Càdiz, 17-21 September 2012.

Scheidt. B., Schuchart, C.: The Influence of Teachers on Educational Decisions of Secondary School Students. Paper presented on the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Càdiz, 17-21 September 2012.

Schuchart, C.: Institutional Opening of Stratified Education Systems (2012): A contribution to more equal opportunities? Parallel lecture at the Congress of the Swiss Society for Educational Research, Bern, 2-4 July 2012.

Soziale Ungleichheit: Eine Herausforderung für die Empirische Bildungsforschung (2012). Presentation at the 05th Wuppertal Educational Dialogue, also inaugural lecture.
Schuchart, C.: Graduation intentions of Hauptschule pupils: Individual and school influences (2010): University of Bielefeld.

Schuchart, C.: Experiences with Studies on Transitions / Longitudional Data Sets. Workshop on school and classroom research. University of Vienna, 09 - 11-06.2010

Becker, R. / Schuchart, C.: Höhere Bildung als Bürgerrecht in einer modernen Demokratie: Symposium auf dem 22. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) vom 14. - 17. März 2010.

Schuchart, C.: Was bringt das Nachholen von Schulabschlüssen für die berufliche Ausbildung? Conference "Research concepts for the transition of school leavers with intermediate school-leaving qualifications into company-based training programmes. Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, 11-12 February 2010

Schuchart, C./Schneider, K./ Weishaupt, H./Riedel, A. (June 2009): Motives for Primary School Choice: Do they Differ Between Ethnic Groups? Conference on "School Choice in an International Context: Learning from Other Countries' Experiences". University of Bristol: Centre for Market and Public Organisation.

Schuchart, C. (October 2009): What are the benefits of catching up on school-leaving qualifications? University of Bern: Institute for Educational Science.

Schuchart, C. (2008): Second chance? The opening up of educational pathways at lower secondary level and its significance for individual school careers. Poster presentation at the Bremen Forum for Science Journalism (invitation based on a proposal by the German Research Foundation).

Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H./Schneider, K./Riedel, A. (2009): Why do parents in NRW choose Catholic denominational schools? 5th Conference of the Section Empirical Educational Research of the DGFE (AEPF/KBBB). Landau: University of Koblenz-Landau.

Riedel, A./Schneider, K./Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2009): The choice of primary school before the dissolution of school districts. Empirical findings from official statistics data for Wuppertal. 5th Conference of the DGFE Empirical Educational Research Section (AEPF/KBBB). Landau: University of Koblenz-Landau.

Schuchart, C. (2008): Learn more and know more. Graduation motivation of lower secondary school pupils at the end of lower secondary level. Research colloquium of the Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training. Wuppertal: University of Wuppertal.

Schuchart, C. (2007): Effects of School Types on Occupational Chances in Germany. ECER Annual Conference 2007. main conference, Ghent.

Schuchart, C. (2007): Increasing Structural Flexibility in the German School System and Occupational Opportunities: A Comparative Analysis of Official Statistics. International Conference "Expected and Unexpected Consequences of the Educational Expansion". Monte Veritá.

Schuchart, C. (2007): Can schools contribute to the reduction of social inequality in Brazil? An analysis of the significance of school culture. Presentation at the First International Student Conference of Romance Studies "Gente de toda cor, raca de toda fé". Jena: University of Jena.


Schuchart, C. (2006): The decoupling of school type and school-leaving qualification - a contribution to opening up the tripartite school system? Research colloquium of the Institute for School Development and School Research (IFS) Dortmund.

Schuchart, C. (2006): On the connectivity of school-leaving qualifications with the same name but acquired differently on the training market. 68th Congress of the AEPF. Munich: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.


Schuchart, C./Weishaupt, H. (2005): The social commitment of teachers. 66th Congress of the AEPF. Salzburg: University of Salzburg.

Schuchart, C. (2005): School quality and socially determined learning development in Brazilian primary schools. Research colloquium of the Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training at the University of Wuppertal.

Schuchart, C. (2005): The Lower Saxony orientation level. A concept-based evaluation of its effectiveness. 8th Annual Conference of the German Society for Evaluation. Essen: University of Essen.

Schuchart, C. (2005): The decoupling of school type and school-leaving qualification from the user perspective. Annual Conference of the Education Section of the German Sociological Association. Essen: Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut.

Schuchart, C. (2005): Perception of mobility options in the Thuringian school system. 65th Congress of the AEPF. Berlin: Free University.

Schuchart, C. (2005): PISA Thuringia 2000: Further analyses. Erfurt: Thuringian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.