Publications in scientific journals (peer-review)
- Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2024). Signalling Effect of Educational Careers on the Chances of Entering Vocational Education and Training: Results of a Vignette Study. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 76(1): 25-56.
- Schuchart, C., Bühler-Niederberger, D. & Schimke, B. (2024). Teacher practice under the structural challenges of academic second chance education. Studies in Continuing Education.
- Schimke, B. (2023). Certification of Occupational Qualifications or Just a Motivational Signal? The Impact of Non-formal Continuing Education Certificates on Personnel Selection. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 75(4): 451–475.
- Schimke, B. (2023). Occupational (mis-)match as determinant for participation and timing of firm training. Journal for Research on Adult Education 46(1): 197–224.
- Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2022). The development of the intention to study of pupils from different social backgrounds in non-traditional pathways to higher education. Social Psychology in Education 25(2): 471–507.
- Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2022). Age and social background as predictors of dropout in second chance education in Germany. Adult Education Quarterly 72(3): 308–328.
- Schuchart, C. & Schimke, B. (2019). Is it Worth Catching up on a Higher School-Leaving Certificate? Alternative Pathways to University Entrance Qualifications and Their Labour Market Returns. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 71(2): 237–273.
Publications of primary research data
- Schimke, B. (2024). Replikationsmaterialien: Signalwirkung von Bildungskarrieren für die Einmündungschancen in eine duale Ausbildung. GESIS, Cologne. Data File Version 1.0.0,
- Schimke, B. (2023). Replikationsmaterialien: Wirkung askriptiver, kognitiver und non-kognitiver Arbeitsmarktsignale. GESIS, Cologne. Data File Version 1.0.0,